Drug Free Communities

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DFC is a federal grant program established in 1997. This evidence-based programs the Nation’s leading effort to mobilize communities in the prevention of youth substance abuse. The philosophy behind the DFC Program is “local drug problems require local solutions”. The DCCPC was awarded the five year grant in September of this yearend it is our goal to make Selma and Dallas County a safe and drug free place for our youth.

The DCDFC will be addressing youth marijuana and alcohol use in the 12 month action plan. This decision was made based on the recent student survey data administered in the Selma City school system in 2016. The data showed that marijuana and alcohol are the top two substances used among 6-12th grade students.

In addition, marijuana and alcohol have the greatest impact on the community through court programs, law enforcement arrest and juvenile probation cases. The DFC of Dallas County has 77 youth within the Selma City School District active in their Junior Hope Dealer’s program